
So after a couple months we've found really no use for the ad-hoc mode as implemented. We both didn't really like going into the schedule screen to edit the temperature and it didn't drop to "Auto" when completed, so the next day the thermostat would...

Well I had to bust out some modifications to the code today (again, very pleased I cut that USB hole!) to control temperature over-shoot, allow me to view the temp before rounding, and to add a larger font for the manual mode temp set screen. The...

Finished! The arduino thermostat is now mounted on the wall and it looks great. The white paint was definitely a good choice as it matches the rest of the wall plates. As far as I know (without testing my heat cycling code) everything functions...

I settled on the arlington single gang recessed AC receptacle with a PacTec WM-56 enclosure mounted over top flush against the wall. While I wait for shipping I started soldering the components onto the prototype shield. It's going well but making the...

Well I have everything assembled on the breadboard and it's working properly. The software is done (except for tweaks in the temperature control logic that I can only do when in use) and it clocked in at just under 1000 lines. The bulk of the code is in...

For this project I chose a graphic LCD so that it would look reasonably presentable when mounted. The display is 128x64 and there's already a powerful library written for the arduino that allows me to use bitmap images images, a variety of fonts, and to...

What is an arduino? It's a popular, small, flexible micro-controller with a good software library that will allow me to "easily" write a program to interact with sensors and relays to ultimately build my own multi-zone, 7 day programmable thermostat with...